Painful Heel Treatment


We are here to help!

Plantar Fasciitis & Other forms of Heel Pain.

Ask any athlete, what kind of pain will prevent them from training? And the answer will probably be heel pain.

Heel Pain affects 2 million people in the United States every year and many of them go on to have all kinds of treatment from some Physiotherapy to full blown Foot Surgery.

Let’s look at the cause of Heel Pain.

Heel Pain or Plantar Fasciitis the name most commonly associated with Heel Pain is caused by micro tears of the Plantar Fascia on the base of the foot.
The Plantar Fascia is the long fibrous ligament made up of bands of tissue and runs from the heel bone to the toes. Inflammation develops when tears occur in the tissue.

The common symptoms from Plantar Fasciitis is burning, stabbing, or aching pain in the heel.

Most sufferers will be able to feel it in the morning because the fascia ligament tightens up during the night while we sleep. However, when we climb out of bed and place pressure on the ligament it becomes taut and pain is particular acute. Pain usually decrease when the tissues warm up, but may easily return after long periods of standing or physical weight bearing, or after long periods of sitting down.

In most cases Surgery is not required.
Conservative treatments are usually all that is required.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis.
Most common is an overload of physical activity or exercise. Athletes are prone to Plantarfasciitis and commonly suffer from it. Arthritis is another common cause. Certain types of arthritis can cause inflammation to develop in the tendons resulting in plantar fasciitis.

Wearing incorrect footwear with inadequate support or cushioning can be a strong causative factor. While walking or exercising in improper shoes, weight distribution becomes impaired and significantly stress can be added to the plantar fascia ligament.

Plantar Fasciitis is influenced by the mechanics of the foot.

Having conditions such as flat feet, high arches, pronation or having an abnormal gait, the fascia tissue becomes overworked or stretched abnormally, resulting in tears and inflammation.

Each of the factors mentioned are contributory risk factors that can lead to plantar fasciitis.

At Prestwich Gold Standard Foot Clinic our Podiatrists work closely with the Physiotherapists, together combating Heel Pain.

The Podiatrists concentrate on the provision of the Orthotic Insole Service.

They perform a full biomechanical assessment with a video gait analysis.

This enables our specialist in orthotic insoles to understand thoroughly the causes and treat the heel pain accordingly.

Working together with the Physiotherapists we provide hands on Pain relief therapy and an exercise regime to prevent further occurrences of the pain.

Our specialist orthotic service, provide tailor made insoles that cushion and protect the feet from further injury and trauma to the heel tissues.

All in all a total one shop package for sufferers of Heel Pain, and any other sports related Foot Problems.
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